Silent prayer

Some call it Karma
To some, it’s the flow of Joss
I call it Fate
I can see it
It’s like a web of strings
Every string is a fate
Every fate is a life
The giant spider of eternity
Weaves its web
Spins the karmic strings
Over and over
Every day
Mighty Helios
Awakens with every dawn
And settles with every dusk
Folowed by his sister
Beautiful Luna
And the circle goes on and on
Taking up a new shape with each cicle
The only thing that remains the same
Is my powerlessness
My inability to change
I can see the strins
Sometimes they are lonely
But sometimes they meet
Just to continue lonely again
I have seen pain and sorrow
I have experienced sadness
Saw honor and heroism
I looked into the eyes of children
Just to see so much pain
That my heart cried out in rage
I feel the strings of joss
In my hands
Just to realize I can’t reach it
Can’t grabe it
The realization off my own weakness
My own helplessness
Burns my soul like fire
To know a can’t change the circle
That i can’t make a difference in it
Cuts my heart like cold iron
So I ask for strenght
If I can’t make a difference
Give me two strong arms
And powerful wings
To rip apart the web
To some, it’s the flow of Joss
I call it Fate
I can see it
It’s like a web of strings
Every string is a fate
Every fate is a life
The giant spider of eternity
Weaves its web
Spins the karmic strings
Over and over
Every day
Mighty Helios
Awakens with every dawn
And settles with every dusk
Folowed by his sister
Beautiful Luna
And the circle goes on and on
Taking up a new shape with each cicle
The only thing that remains the same
Is my powerlessness
My inability to change
I can see the strins
Sometimes they are lonely
But sometimes they meet
Just to continue lonely again
I have seen pain and sorrow
I have experienced sadness
Saw honor and heroism
I looked into the eyes of children
Just to see so much pain
That my heart cried out in rage
I feel the strings of joss
In my hands
Just to realize I can’t reach it
Can’t grabe it
The realization off my own weakness
My own helplessness
Burns my soul like fire
To know a can’t change the circle
That i can’t make a difference in it
Cuts my heart like cold iron
So I ask for strenght
If I can’t make a difference
Give me two strong arms
And powerful wings
To rip apart the web
And Shatter Fate