Monday, November 13, 2006

high and mighty

I hear my steps
Beneath me
Like the rtembleing earth
A feel the wind on my skin
Waved by my wings
I feel warmness
From the flames of my fury
I am high and mighty
Step by step
I walk solemnly on my road
I feel the might within me
And I know my destiny
I have immortal things to do
I step and the earth quakes
I stop and wiev the sky
My eyes see ewerything
The evil, the guilty
I rese my wings and
Slash with dem in the air
And hurricans enter the world
I battled demons
Slayed dragons
Fought with Cerberos itself
Defeated Fenris itself
Hydras, vampires, devils
All fell before my might
Because I am Gavryel
I can feel the mighty fury in me
I can feel it burning
My enemis avay
My might is unquestionable
I am undefeatable
I am the battler of demons
The defeater of hell
Run! Scream evil
For I will com for you
There is no hope for your kind
My wings are gods powers
I am the hammer of gods
The sword of justice
The nemesis of evil
Fear my coming
For I am coming for you
And I dont know mercy
I am Gavryel
For now
And forever


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