Sunday, October 29, 2006


I feel the RAGE

Burning inside me

I feel the fire

Lighting my pain

I feel the sadness

In my heart

I feel the madness

In my mind

I feel the darkness

In my soul

So let me RAGE

I want to let out

My sadness

My anger

To wipe out the world

To breake out the apocalipse

Like a nuclear bomb

With the flame of the atom

My butning RAGE cant be


It is powered by my sadness

My sorrow

I want to shout

Screem out my pain

The pain that burnes within me

My burning RAGE

My hateret

With every beat off my heart

My RAGE burns even brighter

With the flames of the abyss

Its like a storm off fire

I feel its power, its burning might

Like a rageig storm thet

Burns everything to ash

But what is this feeling?

Inside my burning soul

I feel coldness

I look inside me and feel

An even bigger hateret

An even mightier RAGE

Its the RAGE off Gavryel

Its cold, freezing

Like a storm of ice

I can feel its sorrow to

Its madness

And its colt

It eats my flesh from my bones

It tears my soul out

But my RAGE is greater

My flames cant be defeated

We clash together

The raging storms

Of fire and ice

Both are intensive

Both are mighty

Both are unstopable

They tear in each other

With no mercy

With no love

Only sorrow and hateret


And they battle each other

And in the end both off rem is gone

Both off dem is tired

End goes back were it came from

Into me

Into my heart

And it is peace again

But beneath the surfaci

Within me My RAGE burns on

And it will come out once

And then i will RAGE

And no one could stop my RAGE then

So let me RAGE






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