Wednesday, September 19, 2007

let it out

When you heel on knees
When you crying out loud
When you feel no hope is around
When you burn wint rage
And you can’t let the tears within
Let it out, Let it out

When your heart’s eaten
By the maggots off despiar
When your memory is clouded
With the dark clouds of sorrow
And you want to scream for the light
Let it out, Let it out

And when darkness comes
When you cant see the light
And you feel hope s fading away
When you strength leaves you
And you can’t get up to knees
Let it out, Let it out

When you feel alone
Alone in a loneline world
When hope is a dream
But you cant dream anymore
And you want to howl to the sky
Let it out, Let it out

When the moon shines on you
And you can’t see her light
When you eyes are blind
And your ears are deaf
And you want to shine
Let it out, Let it out

When your wings are broken
When your feathers are dark
And you feel the sky betrayed you
And your soul screaming
For one last fly to the sky
Let it out, Let it out

When you burn within
And you can’t indure the pain
When your hearts on fire
When you feel power
The power you must burt
Let is out, Let it out
When you can’t find peace
In your own soul
Where only emtiness is at home
When you search for freedom
And you can’t reach it
Let it out, Let it out

When you need a friend
But no one is around
When you reach for a hand
But no one will give you one
And you want to curse the world
Let it out, Let it out

When you feel the pain
The pain of others
And you can’t help ease the pain
When you stan helpless
And your trempling from inner fear
Let it out, Let it out

When your faith leaves you
And you don’t no what to do
When you dont know what to belive
When your luck runs out
And you have only one shot left
Let it out, Let it out

Let it out, Let it out
Let your rage burn out
To devour your all enemies
Let your tears flow out
That the world can see them
Let your howl out loud
That the moon could hear it
Let you scream tremple out
That the world would fear it
Let your wings spread wide
To conquer the entire sky
Let your hope burst out
To give life to a new world
Let your hand reach out
To heal the wounds of others
Let you soul shine bright
That others could see the light
Let you heart open wide
To bring peace and harmony
Let your self out of the you own cage


Blogger Nixe said...

hey! It's a great poem!!! *well done*
I really enjoyed reading it!!!! *thumbs up*

3:21 AM  

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