Thursday, July 27, 2006


When I see the moon
My heart starts to beat
I can heat it
Its like the wind
The wind, that
Never stops
Its like the rain
The rain
That always cries
But never with sadness
My eyes sharpen
I can see
See he truth now
I look up
To the night sky
The sky that protects
Us when we sleep
I se the darkness of it
The calming darkness
And I start to run
Run like
Never ever before
Run like the wind
Silently as ever
Run like the wolf
Rapidly as ever
The wilderness
Embraces me
I can feel it
Surrounding me
And I can feel it
In me
I stop it a second
And look up
And I can see Her
The silver maiden
My guardien angel
The mistress
Of the night
I can feel her
As she walks
Throu the night sky
Solemnli and sad
She dances on the night
As his echo dances
On the pond beneath her
She is so sad
So lonely
Ever walkint
Olways alone
Never meeting
Never feelin
Never loving
oh how I feel
Sorry for her
I just sit there
And whatc
How she dances
Through hours
Til she faids avay
In the dawn
And saj
Fair well sweet lady
I hope you will
Find your love
That you searching for
And then, you will be
Cheerfull again
And beauthyfull
As always..
For me...


Blogger ani said...

it's beautiful

12:50 AM  

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